Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2023

Different Perspectives - Hell Yes!


My life recently took a turning point as I´ve mentioned already. And yet I am not able to detect when exactly this change began. Because the preperation for it, when I look at it very carefully, already is ongoing since years, not to say for decades.
At a fast glimpse I would say it happened last year in November / December. Yet, it also is the result of so many things I achieved in my life so far - not to say of all the things I brought with me from different lifes before. From another point of view I would say my healing process here in Malta is coming to and end - right on time ... celebrating my 10 year´s anniversary in November. And viewed from yet another angle I have to "blame it" on the fact that right now we are in intense times where changes are simply necessary.

One sector of preparation woud be the ongoing need of purifing and getting rid of everything that´s not serving me anymore. It started with reducing trash and stop using chemical products, took a turn to everything I spend my money for to what I am eating and drinking and went on to decluttering - physically and mentally. All of that was step by step preparing me to finally understand how important it is to find out who I am. 
Because to do so I needed a lot of space - free space.
I really thought I already have a lot of available space as I spend most of my free time by myself, doing exactly whatever I want to do, while at the same time I got rid of so much already. And still, when consciously starting this cleansing process I became aware of how often and how much I still was controlled and driven by the wrong values. How much I was acting and reacting out of the wrong reasons.
There was a breaking point when I found a quote on Facebook which hit home very hard. Funny thing is, that usually I safe all those amazing quotes, yet this quote I didn´t store and also I couldn´t find it anymore afterward. 
But it went something like:
"Please heal! So you can see the world without the filter of your trauma and your hurting." 
That quote triggered something deep inside of me.
Are there possibly different ways of seeing things? 
Is it worth to put effort into seeing things from different perspectives?
--- One thousand and sixty five percent! ---

For example:
One of my all time´s beliefs was: I am not attractive enough to be seen. 
Yep, self consciousness is not very high on my list of skills ...
Then, at one point, because I tried to figure out what my purpose in life is, I wanted to start spreading positivity simply by smiling at people. This is when I found out that whenever an attractive man walked towards me I never keep on looking at him. As soon as he would look into my direction I instinctively would turn my head. Call it shyness, call it insecurity, call it whatever you want, but please call it stupidity!
So watching this example from a different perspective I had to ask myself at one point: what would be the worst thing that could happen when I keep looking at him?
You know with what I came up in the end?
No, it´s not rejection.
It´s also not the fear of being mocked for looking like an idiot.

The worst that could happen is ... this attractive guy would show some interest and would start flirting with me. Because then I would have provoked something for which I need to leave my comfort zone and deal with it!
And that´s simply pathetic, isn´t it?
So I was grateful for this new perspective ... and I also started to smile at attractive men. Well, at least I try to whenever I feel brave enough to do so.
And you know what?
They smile back at me. Or at least they are not turning their head on me. And some of them even smile at me first!
So my belief - I am not attractive enough to be seen - was wrong all the time. 

I tell you something. The world is always like you see it!
There is no "negative" or "positive". It is always what you make out of it.
And that´s the good news.
Because it is your choice how you see the world.
Your choice - means you can choose to change your perspective. 
Great, no?
Try it if you don´t believe me. You might want to start with little things. But please try it. Just change your perspective on something and look what´s gonna happen next. 

When I put that new task on my agenda I had a couple of "aha-moments". The biggest aha-moment was when I figured out how little I really understand about the Big Plan, when yet I thought I am so enlightened already!
Bloody hell! There is still so much to find out!

Thank you very much!

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