Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023

My New Inner Freedom


Tonight I woke up and just felt peaceful. I even grabbed my mobile to record a voice message to not forget why I felt so peaceful.

For the first time in my life I do enjoy my solitude. Really enjoy it. Not because it´s my only chance, like it was for the last 15 years, but I am really fine with it.
Feeling this new inner peace, being calm and grateful for my life, for the first time not chasing or graving something.
I do love that! 
Did that come with age?
Though I am sure it happened because the pieces of life finally fit together. Lately I´ve received the messages from Universe so clear and direct. And ... I do recognize every single message about many different topics fitting together with other topics, which was not clear for me before.

I am talking about hose messages from Universe. 
So important for me. I hope everybody learn how to communicate with Universe, God, The Source, The Over All Energy ... or how ever you want to call our "Home". 
Those messages are coming over different channels: song lyrics, quotes, books, TV programs, sentences you hear (in the outside AND in the inside), billboards, etc., ... even nature is "talking" to me. 

Universe always finds a way to deliver the messages we need! The more open and on reception we are, the easier it is to receive those messages. 

When I started to make space, when I got rid of everything´s not serving me anymore, I also started to be in the flow - even more than before.
Without questioning feelings or thoughts I followed whatever came in. Small things. When I - for example - thought about taking an umbrella with me before leaving the house, no matter how my brain tried to convince me I would not need it, I took the umbrella with me. 
Planing of going somewhere but the feeling was not right about it, I changed my plans. Just like that.
We are guided in life. I didn´t know how much we actually are guided!

As soon as I was in that new flow it was so much easier to discover the most important things in life.
I received answers, I was waiting for so long. I learned lessons so important it blew my mind. And a new direction was manifesting in my life - almost without me doing anything about it.
By simply following my gut feeling and recognizing the messages behind everything.

At one point I felt so relaxed, calm and in peace I started to live my life differently. Without specific plans, without the force to do so. Just out of the flow.
I felt the urge to spread more positivity into the world.
Cause not only the world around me is way to negative or not caring, I also realized how negative my own thoughts still were. And I really wanted to change that. So I invested energy into that field.
I decluttered my mind from every negativity I could find.
I started to smile whenever I left the house. Not only directly at people but also for myself. One of the messages which got stuck with me was something I read somewhere: "Be aware of every step you make. Feel connected with Mother Earth with every step you take. Walk as you are connecting with your Mother."
Please try this! It´s an amazing feeling.
With that I also tried to smile with every step I took. Not only with my lips but also with my whole body, even with my liver, - as we were told to do in the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" with Julia Roberts. 
And I am feeling sensational! 

So, in a short time I had the time of my life by simply walking the streets. 
I am smiling with myself. I feel grateful and thankful for every part of the day. I smile at people, they smile back at me. Sometimes we even chat or joke for a while. I pet dogs and talk to the owner. Little children come walking toward me or wave at me from their pushchair.

At one point I became aware of spreading love without the intention to get love back for the very first time of my life. I am now caring and positive toward others without wanting something back. I just do it for my own benefit. Because it makes me feel so much better!
It´s a wonderful gift to receive a smile from strangers ... randomly without an intention behind it.

Miracles were happing in my everyday life ... without even big things happening at all. 
I was not in search of sensations anymore, because a sensation could appear behind every corner, every minute. 
With that I became even more peaceful, simply because I enjoyed life every minute.

Today I am happy with the "small things".
I love to sit on a bench at the harbour or in a park, having my cup of coffee and a croissant with me, reading in the sun. I love to spend my days off just bringing a book, my diary and my laptop and just starting the day, going wherever I want to go. Most of the time I don´t even enter a bus. I am happy with a stroll "into the blue". 

What I´ve learned from that was a very important lesson.
And yes, I should have learned that lesson long ago. Means, I theoretically knew about that lesson for a long time already. Yet I had to work through my own experiences to really figure it out for myself.

How I spend my day is MY decision.
How I react or feel about something is MY decision.
How I react on the behavior of others is MY decision.
Which impact the behavior of others has on me ... is MY decision. 
If my day becomes "sunny" or "dark" is MY decision.

I can´t change what others do. I can´t change most things happening in this world.
But I always can change which impact it has on me or how I am dealing with it!
I am to recognize my field of action and responsibility and do my part. 

That´s something huge! Don´t you think?

Finally accepting that into my life opened up such a wide spectrum of new possibilities. 
Thought I´ve drastically reduced my surroundings of my daily life I became so much richer!
And calmer.
And happier.
And more peaceful.

Thank you so much! 

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